Updated 12 Bar Blues Activity

I'm super pumped right now! I just finished updating one of the freebies on my Teachers Pay Teachers site. Not only do I think it is more visually appealing I hope it will be useful. Let me know what you think!

If you click here you can read my original post about how I teach the 12 Bar Blues to my students. 

One of the things I included in this update is a list of the Ontario Curriculum expectations that this activity meets. 

C1.2 apply the elements of music when singing and/or playing, composing, and arranging music, using them for specific effects and clear purposes
C1.3 create musical compositions in a variety of forms for specific purposes and audiences
C1.5 demonstrate an understanding of standard and other musical notation through performance and composition

I am also hoping to include other teaching tips in my product updates. Teaching the 12 Bar Blues by rote in whole notes is a great way to get students comfortable with the pattern. Rote activities help them to focus on one step at a time. In this case, playing the correct note with the correct fingering. Once students have mastered those three notes I like to add flashcards. I hold up a flashcard with a Roman numeral I, IV or V on it and have students play and hold the note. Holding the note allows students to listen and self-correct. 

The graphic organizer itself has been updated. I shaded the Roman Numeral boxes different colours of grey to make it easier for students to notice the note changes and included a handy "Remember" bubble. This organizer can be used in any key. I used B flat major with my classes but E flat major would also work well with beginning band students. 

 12 Bar Blues Composition Organizer - musicinthecitylv.blogspot.comSome feedback I received was to include an additional organizer so that students could put their composition on the staff. It only took me four years to execute (remember the 3 kids in 4 years, thing?) but it's done!



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