Term 2 Report Card Comments

The end is in sight! My report cards are done and we just have two and a half weeks to go!

Here are the comments I came up with for Term 2.


(By the way, *N* = name of student, *4* = He/She, *2* = his/her, *1* = he/she)

Grade 4: 
In Music, *N* reflects on how to use the elements of music when performing and creating. This was demonstrated by performing on Orff instruments and responding to music through movement and with props such as ribbons, parachutes, and scarves.

*4* thoroughly explains how music is used to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in *2* Listening Challenges.

*4* explains how music is used to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in *2* Listening Challenges.

*4* explains, with assistance, how music is used to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings in his Listening Challenges. *N* needs to participate more positively in classsroom activities.

Grade 5 & 6: 
*** These comments are very similar since both grades began recorders this year. I changed the names of some of the song we focused on to differentiate between the grades. ***

In Music, *N* creates and performs through playing a variety of simple pieces using a range of notes on *2* recorder such as "Frog in the Middle" and "Ode to Joy." *4* plays the recorder using proper hand position and can read the notes on the lines and spaces of the treble clef.

*N* played notes and rhythms with very few errors. *4* has shown great initiative this term.

*N* played most notes and rhythms correctly. *4* makes a good recovery when errors do occur.

*N* plays the recorder using proper hand position and can read the notes on the lines and spaces of the treble clef, with assistance. *4* needs to reinforce the learning of note names by using internet tools.

Grade 7: 

In Music, *N* is beginning to use the elements and techniques of music in performance and can explain how the music *1* listens to may be connected to *2* life. This was evident in the number of tasks *1* completed this term and by the work put into the "Soundtrack of My Life" project.

*N* composed and performed *2* very own piece of music and displays great musical talent.

*N* plays *2* instrument with proper technique and can read musical notation.
*N* needs to reinforce the learning of note names by using internet tools.

*N* needs to reinforce the learning of note names by using internet tools and should ensure *1* completes all assignments in the future.

Grade 8:

In Music, *N* uses the elements and techniques of music to create and perform. This was evident in the number of performance tasks *1* completed this term and when *1* performed with a small group in front of the class and expressed *2* personal response to the piece.

*** The strengths and next steps are the same as the Grade 7 ones. ***

Click here for a Monthly Reflection resource I created to use with my students. It addresses all the Learning Skills for the Ontario Report Card and is a great tool to use to help come up with personal comments about each student.


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