Two Out of Three Ain't Bad!
I am happy to announce that I have completed two out of three of the upcoming projects that I wrote about last month. Okay, so I may have combined two of them into one, but that still counts right?
If you will remember, here is the ugly bulletin board that is on the wall right outside of my room:
And here it is now:
It probably took me about an hour and half to finish because my computer was being a tad bit slow but I am happy with the results. I decided to include my Joke of the Month, Composer of the Month and Musical Opportunities all on one board.
Music Joke of the Month
I found this hilarious joke on Pinterest.
Composer of the Month
The picture frame I found at Michael's in their "As-Is" section for $1.67. Score! It doesn't have any glass on the front so if it falls off it won't shatter, however it leaves room for vandals to add a mustache to poor Vivaldi's face. It hasn't happened yet and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't! I attached the frame by sticking a thumbtack into the bulletin board and hooking the little hook on the back of the frame right on to the thumbtack.
The picture of Vivaldi and the Vivaldi Facts I borrowed from Kelly Riley's Music Classroom. This blog also includes links to videos and playlists. The frames for my facts came from Mercedes Hutchens and I downloaded them for free from Teachers Pay Teachers. You can download her Polka Dot Rainbow Dot Frames here.
I am also planning on doing at least one lesson with each of my classes on Vivaldi. One lesson will be suited for Grades 6-8 and the other for Grades 4-5. Stay tuned!
This is where I will post any board related musical events that might be of interest to my kidlets. I sometimes forget to hand those notices out so I will feel like I am at least doing a little bit to promote fun opportunities.
My goal is to change out my joke and composer each month (hence Joke and Composer of the Month) so I will do my best to post my ideas for May and June and then, "Woo hoo! It's summer!" I will definitely get this up and running sooner next year.
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