Descriptive Feedback in the Music Classroom
One thing that I have always loved about being a Music teacher is how much direct feedback I give my students every day. "Sit up straight," "Use more air," "I love how clear your tone is!" What I also love is how students will use that feedback right away and see results.
My Grade 6 class has been working on giving each other descriptive feedback after viewing presentations. The students completed a "Two Stars and a Wish" sheet (photo to come) for another student and used the Descriptive Feedback chart to the right to structure their feedback. The students then revised their presentations and shared again. This descriptive feedback chart came from a lesson I found on the OMEA site. Teaching students how to give this type of feedback is definitely a process but I am hoping that they will be able to move away from comments like "That was great!" and "You were awesome!" Maybe not move away completely because I do like appreciation but create more constructive comments.
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